September 3, 2024

Private Space, the new privacy feature of Android 15

What's Private Space?

Android 15 introduces a new feature called "Private Space," which creates a separate, secure section on your phone for apps and files you want to keep private. It's like having a mini phone within your phone, providing an extra layer of security for your sensitive information.

Integrating Private Space directly into Android 15 makes this feature standardized and available on any device running the new OS. Setting it up is straightforward—just go to Settings, find the Security and privacy section, and look for Private Space. You can choose to link it to a Google account for easy syncing and backups, or keep it offline for maximum privacy.

How does it work?

Private Space functions much like a separate device on your phone, keeping your private apps and files completely isolated from the rest of your data. You can also customize its lock settings, deciding how and when it should automatically lock itself to ensure security.

Accessing Private Space in Smart Launcher

We implemented support for Private Space in our latest beta build (6.4 Build 047). The feature is only available on device running Android 15.

Here’s how to access Private Space with Smart Launcher:

  1. Open the app drawer.
  2. Select "Private Space."
  3. Authenticate with your fingerprint or PIN.
  4. Wait a few moments for your private apps to be unlocked.

You can lock Private Space at any time accessing the same menu, anyway we suggest setting your system preferences to automatically lock Private Space when you turn off your screen.