Smart Launcher APK
Free and Pro download

Here you can find recent Smart Launcher APKs to download.

Smart Launcher 6

The latest available version of Smart Launcher. It feature Fluid Grid System, Ambient theme v2 a new UI and everything you loved in previous updates.
Undoubtedly, the recommended version.

Play store download

Strongly recommended

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Smart Launcher 5

The update that introduced Ambient Theme for the first time. It contains all the features you loved in Smart Launcher 3 and something more.

APK Direct Download

Smart Launcher 3

Smart Launcher 3 was released back in 2015 and quickly became one of the favorite android launcher of many people. If you feel nostalgic or if you think this version works better on your device, you can download this version.

Play store download

Only accessible if you purchased SL3 Pro in the past.

APK Direct Download

The APKs will automatically detect your Pro license and Feature Pack and enable them.

These versions of the software are genuine and protects you from risk of downloading cracked software. However, installing Smart Launcher via APK should be considered atypical and could generate unwanted behaviour. We suggest to download Smart Launcher using Play Store in order to have always the latest version available.